- College uniformย MUSTย always be worn during class sessions and within the school compound. No student will be allowed in any office or class without the specified school uniform as per dress code given during admission. All Male students must wear collegeย tieย from Monday to Thursday.
- Students have to fulfill the minimum attendance requirements (75 percent of the total working days). No students will absent himself/herself from any of the lectures without leave having been obtained previously from the Class In charge and that too for sufficient cause and if he/she is irregular in attendance, or fails to show progress or is not diligent in studies, his /her name is liable to be struck off from the rolls of the institute. In case of a candidate who joined late owing to late declaration of result or who sought admission provisionally till declaration of the lower examination, the lecture requirements will be calculated as per academic rules and provisions.
- Any student found smoking or under the influence of alcohol/drugs in the college or in the Hostel is liable to strict disciplinary action, which may be up to expulsion from the college.
- Students must pay their fee/dues on or before the prescribed deadline failing which appropriate disciplinary action will be taken. Students may note that fees once paid will not be refunded/adjusted. If a student leaves the course before completion, he/she will be required to pay the fee for the entire course.
- Any student who fails to clear all the dues (School and Hostel) shall be debarred from appearing in end semester examination.
- Students who fail to clear their dues in time will have to sit for special exams at a charge of Ksh500/= per paper.
- Every student shall handle college property with care and shall do everything in his/her power to preserve cleanliness and tidiness of the furniture, building and the premises. Students shall not disfigure the walls, doors, windows, furniture etc. with bills, engraving etc.
- The loss or damage or disfigurement caused to the college articles will be made good by realizing double the loss or damages so incurred from the concerned students through a collective fine covering all students.
- Students are expected to ensure high discipline and respect between themselves and between students and staffs. Misbehavior is subject to disciplinary measures, which may include and not limited to; Warning, suspension and also expelling from the college.
- Students who may be free during class-time shall not loiter on the Veranda or on the premises of the college. During such time they are to be in the Library/Reading room.
- Late arrival and early departure at or from a class are recorded as absence from the class. Students are not allowed to leave the institute during working hours without the written permission of the Principal.
- No responsibility will be accepted by the collge for any injury, loss or damage to the personal articles of students.
- All students are required to have cleared the termโs fees and any other outstanding dues for them to be allowed to sit for end term examinations.
- If a student does not sit for end term examination due to failure to complete payment of school fees, he/she shall be allowed to sit for special examinations at the beginning of the following term, subject to having cleared the outstanding fees.
- Special examinations shall be charged an amount as shall be set and /or revised by the management from time to time. Currently the amount isย Ksh 500/=ย per paper.
- The above not outstanding any, student with issues such as sickness or unavoidable family matters will not be charged for the examination. In both cases documentary evidence will have to be provided.
- Students will be awarded the marks/grades obtained unlike the case with supplementary examinations.
- Failed special examination shall be treated the same way as failed supplementary examinations for purposes of repeating them.
All students in this Institution must at all times refrain from any act(s) (whether by commission or omission) that may be interpreted as an examination malpractice(s). Such act(s) may include (but not limited to):
- Possession of an examination paper or answer sheet similar to the pending examination before it is done.
- Carrying unauthorized documents into the examination rooms.
- Writings on personal clothing, shoes or parts of the body, which relate to any of the paper(s) that will be done during that examination period.
- Having unauthorized items such as phones, recording devices literature, tables or graphs in the examination rooms.
- Talking to fellow candidates during examination.
- Writing or receiving written pieces of paper to or from fellow candidates in the examination rooms.
- Walking out of the examination room without seeking and receiving permission from the invigilators.
- Acting in any manner that can be regarded specifically or generally as a nuisance to the other candidates.
- Failing without any justifiable reason to present oneself for an examination during the time set for it or coming in after the allowed time passes.
- Lobbying and/or trying to influence examiners and other staff to abet in examination malpractice leading to examination leakages or getting unwarranted grades.
After the invigilator gives proof beyond any reasonable doubt that the student(s) was/were involved in examination offences, the following action shall be taken.
- The student shall be suspended from that paper and any other remaining papers.
- He/She shall be suspended from the school for a period of not more than two (2) weeks and the same communicated to the parents/guardian.
- He/She shall be required to report back to the school accompanied by the parent/guardian after the suspension period is over.
- A disciplinary committee shall deliberate his/her case taking into consideration the students general character, characteristics, academic performance etc and a verdict made which may be either;
- Expulsion from the school on account of gross misconduct.
- Repeating the whole term for which the examination was being done.
- Sitting for a special examination, which will include all the papers that were being done for that term. (In this case payment for each paper to be done will have to be made before sitting for the examination)
- Getting a warning in writing that he/she should not be involved in similar offences during his/her remaining time in this Institution and that should it happen again he/she shall be expelled from school without any compensation whatsoever.
- The maximum marks/grade that can be awarded for the special examination due to examination malpractice is 50% (GRADE C) irrespective of the actual marks obtained during the Institution.
- Such a student cannot qualify for any academic award and/or trophy awarded by this Institution.